
download live score 808 - Foto Sepekan: Dentuman Rudal Iran

2024-10-07 21:33:57

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A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Sebuah keluarga tidur di tanah di daerah corniche Beirut setelah melarikan diri dan berlindung dari serangan udara Israel di pinggiran selatan Dahiyeh, Minggu, (29/10/2024). (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Kebakaran melanda Gedung Badan Keamanan Laut (Bakamla) RI di Jalan Proklamasi,Pegangsaan, Jakarta Pusat, Minggu (29/9/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Seorang petugas pemadam kebakaran berusaha memadamkan kebakaran hutan yang terjadi di dekat desa Kallithea, dekat Korintus, Yunani, Senin (30/9/2024). Dua orang ditemukan tewas dalam kebakaran hutan yang disebabkan oleh kebakaran api dan hembusan angin yang kencang hingga api tak terkendali. (REUTERS/Vassilis Psomas)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Kejaksaan Agung (Kejgung) telah menyita dana uang hasil perkarat PT Duta Palma Korporasi senilai Rp 450 Miliar. Sitaan sejumlah uang tersebut berdasarkan perkembangan penanganan perkara atas nama tersangka PT Asset Pasific yang merupakan salah satu entitas usaha dari PT Duta Palma. (Dok. Kejaksaan Agung)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Sejumlah petugas penyelamat berupaya mengevakuasi jenazah korban tanah longsor yang dipicu oleh hujan deras di Dhading, Nepal. Hujan yang deras menyebabkan banjir dan longsor menggulung kendaraan penumpang yang melintas di jalan raya Tribhuwan di Dhading dan memakan sejumlah korban jiwa. (REUTERS/Navesh Chitrakar)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Petugas keamanan Somalia menutup bangkai becak di lokasi ledakan pada mobil yang membawa bom yang terparkir di jalan dekat Teater Nasional di distrik Hamarweyne, Mogadishu, Somalia. Kejadian itu menewaskan sedikitnya enam orang dan 10 luka-luka (REUTERS/Feisal Omar)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Komedian Komeng dan sejumlah artis menghadiri Sidang Pengucapan Sumpah Janji Anggota DPR/DPD/MPR 2024-2029 pada Selasa (1/10/2024). (CNBC Indonesia/Pool)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Pelantikan Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) yang dilangsungkan pada hari ini, Selasa (1/9/2024) diwarnai dengan kejutan. Salah satunya gedung DPR/MPR didatangi oleh Ultraman. (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Kebakaran melanda bus di Thailand yang membawa 44 siswa dan guru saat perjalanan karyawisata (study tour) dilakukan, Selasa (1/10/2024). (REUTERS/Chalinee Thirasupa)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Sistem antirudal Iron Dome Israel mencegat roket setelah Iran menembakkan salvo rudal balistik ke Irael pada Selasa (1/10) malam. (REUTERS/Amir Cohen)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Warga menyelidiki proyektil, setelah Iran menembakkan salvo rudal balistik, di Tubas, di Tepi Barat yang diduduki Israel. (REUTERS/Raneen Sawafta)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Bom bekas Perang Dunia 2 AS, tiba-tiba meledak di Bandara Miyazaki Jepang Rabu Waktu setempat. Insiden ini terjadi satu menit setelah sebuah pesawat berpenumpang meluncur di bandara itu. (AP)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Usai kebakaran pada Jumat (4/10/24) dini hari, Mall Ciputra (Citraland) Jakarta Barat tutup sementara. Menurut salah satu pegawai yang menunggu di luar hanya Hotel Ciputra yang beroperasi untuk mall ditutup selama 3 hari. (CNBC Indonesia/Muhammad Sabki)

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)

Presiden Indonesia Joko Widodo, tengah, memeriksa pasukan selama parade peringatan HUT ke-79 Tentara Nasional Indonesia di Jakarta, Indonesia, Sabtu, 5 Oktober 2024. (AP Photo/Tatan Syuflana

A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)A family sleep on the ground in Beirut's corniche area after fleeing the Israeli airstrikes in the southern suburbs of Dahiyeh, Sunday, Sept. 29, 2024. (AP Photo/Bilal Hussein)