
beli chip dari dana - Menanti Vaksin Hepatitis B Versi Indonesia

2024-10-08 19:34:50

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Menurut data Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas) Tahun 2007, prevalensi hepatitis B positif mencapai 9,4% dari 10.391 sampel serum yang diperiksa.Artinya, dari 10 orang, terdapat satu penderita hepatitis B virus di Indonesia. Tingginya prevalensi tersebut mendorong Indonesia untuk menyerukan upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan hepatitis B secara komprehensif di seluruh dunia melalui Badan Kesehatan Dunia (WHO). Sekretaris eksekutif Satgas Hepatitis Virus, Julitasari Sundor menyatakan virus hepatitis B bisa mengakibatkan penyakit sirosis dan kanker hati. Virus tersebut bisa mengalami fase inaktif pada tubuh penderita dan bisa aktif kembali jika terkena pemicu. Virus yang aktif kembali itu akan menyerang hati sehingga menyebabkan kanker hati dan dapat berujung pada kematian. Ada beragam cara pencegahan yang bisa dilakukan, seperti menghindari kontak dengan darah penderita, melaksanakan gaya hidup sehat, tidak bergantiganti pasangan dan vaksinasi hepatitis B. Cara terakhir, yakni vaksinasi paling dianjurkan pemerintah, terutama pada bayi berusia 0 hari. Dengan vaksinasi, anak tidak hanya dirangsang untuk menciptakan kekebalan terhadap virus, tetapi juga membantu menurunkan tingkat infeksi di masyarakat. “Apabila anak tidak diimunisasi, anak tidak mempunyai kekebalan terhadap patogen. Anak juga dapat meninggal atau cacat. Selain itu, ia akan menularkan penyakit ke anak atau dewasa lainnya dan penyakit itu akhirnya tetap berada di lingkungan masyarakat,“ paparnya di Bandung, Jawa Barat, beberapa waktu lalu. Program vaksinasi hepatitis B sebenarnya sudah berjalan sejak beberapa waktu. Sayangnya, bahan baku utama produk vaksin tersebut masih mengimpor dari luar negeri. Hal ini dinilai menyebabkan ketergantungan Indonesia terhadap penanggulangan penyakit Hepatitis B. Untuk itu, PT Bio Farma menggandeng empat institusi lainnya, yaitu Lembaga Eijckman, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) dan Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia, dalam proyek `Penelitian Vaksin Hepatitis B.' Kelimanya tergabung dalam konsorsium Hepatitis B sejak 2011 lalu. Peneliti Utama PT Bio Farma, Neni Nuraini menyampaikan, target utama riset bersama itu ialah menghasilkan produk vaksin hepatitis B yang tidak bersinggungan dengan hewan (animal free origin). Hal ini dipandang perlu mengingat masalah sumber pembuatan vaksin menjadi isu sensitif, terutama bagi kaum muslim di Indonesia. “Kalau ada persinggungan dengan hewan, buntutnya pertanyaannya panjang,“ sahutnya. Pendekatan riset pun dilakukan dengan mengisolasi epitop genom atau susunan asam amino dari virus hepatitis B sehingga lebih aman jika dibandingkan dengan menggunakan virus hidup. Kini, tim tersebut sudah berhasil mengoptimasi produk untuk kapasitas produksi 5 liter. Perkembangan tersebut dipaparkan dalam Forum Riset Vaksin Nasional ke-4 di Jakarta. Oleh tim pengkaji, hasil tersebut dinilai sudah memenuhi standar good manufacturing practices (GMP) dan cara pembuatan obat yang baik (CPOB). Hanya saja, tim pengkaji menyatakan masih perlu waktu untuk bisa diproduksi massal. “Menurut timeline yang ditetapkan tim konsorsium, saya melihat baru 2017 mendatang, vaksin ini bisa diindustrialisasi,“ imbuh Ketua Panitia FRVN IV Erman Tritama. (Din/S-25) Sumber: Media Indonesia 20 Agustus 2014

According to data from the Basis Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2007, the prevalence of positive hepatitis B reached 9.4% of 10,391 serum samples examined. It means, from 10 people, there was one patient with hepatitis B virus in Indonesia. The said high prevalence urged Indonesia to call on for prevention and control of hepatitis B comprehensively throughout the world through the World Health Organization (WHO). Hepatitis Viral Task Force Executive Secretary, Julitasari Sundor stated hepatitis B virus can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer. The virus can be in inactivated phase in the patient's body and can become active again when exposed to triggers. The reactivated virus will attack the liver, causing liver cancer and can lead to death. There are various ways of prevention that can be done, such as avoiding contact with the patient's blood, carrying out a healthy lifestyle, not changing the couples and vaccination against hepatitis B. The final way, which is the most recommended vaccination of government, especially in infants aged 0 days. With vaccination, the child is not only stimulated to create immunity against the virus, but also helps reducing the level of infection in the community. "If a child is not immunized, the child does not have immunity against pathogens. Children can also be death or disability. In addition, it will transmit the disease to other children or adults, and the disease eventually remains in the community, "he said in Bandung, West Java, some time ago. Hepatitis B vaccination program actually has been running for some time. Unfortunately, the main raw materials of vaccine products are still imported from abroad. This is perceived causing Indonesia depend on the prevention of hepatitis B. Therefore, PT Bio Farma holding four other institutions, namely the Eijckman Institute, Bandung Institute of Technology, Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) and the University of Al Azhar Indonesia, in the project of Hepatitis B Vaccine Research. "All five members are joined in the consortium of hepatitis B since 2011. The Main Researchers in PT Bio Farma, Neni Nuraini conveyed, the main target of the joint research is to produce the hepatitis B vaccine that is not in contact with animals (free animal origin). This was deemed necessary given the vaccine manufacturing source is the sensitive issue, especially for Moslems in Indonesia. "If there is contact with animals, it will raise many questions," he said. The esearch approach was done by isolating genomic epitopes or amino acid arrangement of the hepatitis B virus that is more secure than using a live virus. Now, the team has managed to optimize the product for production capacity of 5 liters. These developments are described in the 4th National Vaccine Research Forum in Jakarta. By the reviewers team, the results are considered to meet the standards of good manufacturing practices (GMP) and good way of making drugs (GMP). However, the reviewers team stated that they still need time to be able to be mass produced. "According to the timeline set by the consortium team, I saw that this vaccine can be industrialized in 2017," said the Committee Chairman Erman Tritama FRVN IV. (Din / S-25) Source: Media Indonesia August 20, 2014